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TrustFun is licensed based on the number of servers on your network. The "Site License" is for an unlimited number of servers in a given NDS tree. If you have multiple trees, please contact us for multi-tree pricing.


TrustFun is priced according to organization type:

Reseller Pricing

We have relationships in place with a number of resellers worldwide and welcome additional relationships. If you are a reseller, please send us some email for details.

Commercial Pricing*

Description SKU# Price
Commercial New Licenses
Single Server TFV1NSSCOM $75
Three Server Pack (save 20% over single server) TFV1N3PCOM $180
Site License** TFV1NSTCOM $500
Commercial Maintenance
Yearly Upgrade Protection and Maintenance Option*** TFMAINTCOM $150

Government/Educational Pricing*

Description SKU# Price
Gov/Edu New Licenses
Single Server TFV1NSSEDU $60
Three Server Pack (save 20% over single server) TFV1N3PEDU $145
Site License** TFV1NSTEDU $400
Yearly Upgrade Protection and Maintenance Option*** TFMAINTEDU $125

* Pricing in U.S. dollars and is subject to change at any time.

**Site License is for a network with an unlimited number of servers in the same NDS tree. If you have multiple trees, please contact us for multi-tree pricing.

***Billed yearly. See section below for details.

If you have any questions about licensing or pricing, please let us know at info@condreyconsulting.com.


TrustFun Yearly Upgrade Protection and Maintenance

A maintenance agreement provides the customer with no-charge upgrades for TrustFun, regardless of the number of upgrades released within the yearly contract period.

The Maintenance Option fee is the same regardless of number of servers licensed.

Annual Maintenance begins on the date of purchase of a new copy of TrustFun with the "Yearly Upgrade Protection and Maintenance Option" and is renewed on a yearly basis by paying the maintenance fee.

The customer will receive a notification via email 60 days prior to the expiration of each upgrade protection period.

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